Pixel-Stained Wretch, This Site’s for You!

Hello there fellow slacker! Hackertyper.com is another one of those invaluable internet sites that can make it look like you’re doing actual work while you’re actually engaged in “creative” thinking. Just open and start typing. Boom! Instant simulated work for coders! Yes, friends, THIS is why the internetz were invented!

Lifehacker shares some visual lorem ipsum

Hello fellow designer or web developer! Lifehacker does a better job of explaining how to use this dummy-image producing tool than the original web site where it resides. If you need placeholders for images while you craft your wireframes, Dummy Image Generator is for you.

Filler Text That Ties The Room Together

Hello, scribblers and fans of “The Big Lebowski”! Abide or roll with Lebowski Ipsum, a website that generates lorem ipsum — filler and place-holder text — inflected by The Dude, Danny, and Walter. If that’s not enough, blogger Bob Rudis has gathered 15 sources of unusual lorem ipsum at this web site. Enjoy!

YourNetSuccess With Phil Berkun