Struggling with WordPress


Human hand and modern technologyHi there.

I hope you  can relate to what recently happened to me.

A light bulb turned on for me yesterday as I was struggling to get something done with WordPress.

After I finally sorted it out, I thought: “Even though I may be frustrated with something new, 9 times out of 10 any task I want to carry out is going to end up being easier to do than I had originally thought it would be.”

If you’re just starting out with WordPress, that may seem like an odd thing to say.

At the start of my relationship with WP, I spent too many frustrating hours trying to get things done.

Then — more often than not — with one new bit of knowledge–that I didn’t have when I started–the goal became embarrassingly simple as soon as I knew what to do.

This situation, it seems to me, is the result of two interlocking factors:

1) lack of familiarity with how things get done in the WP system, and

2) the human tendency to over complicate

Use these tips to make WordPress do your bidding

If you’re struggling with WordPress, you can use this resource article containing 58 brilliant WordPress hacks to get you over some of the speed bumps.

(The article says there are 59, but the one about WordPress 3.5 is from way back in 2012. See below for something better and more recent.)

Among the offered WordPress hacks I found solutions to several problems that had bedeviled me for far too long.

I’m pretty sure you’ll find some tips and techniques you can use as well.

And as a bonus, here’s a video about the great new features to enjoy in WordPress 3.9:


16 thoughts on “Struggling with WordPress”

  1. Thanks for the share ….

    So often people don’t have a clue that the WordPress updates are really more
    than just security minded changes. These new changes added some really nifty
    ways of doing things.

    After watching your video … they will now know more.

  2. Setting up anything for the first time is a nightmare. WordPress is no exception. I’m surprised at how much I have learned about it in such a short time.
    I’ll bookmark the link and read it tomorrow over breakfast – beats reading the cereal box! 😉

    • I agree with you, Catherine, about the nightmare aspect of setting up software applications for the first time. Personally, I hate how stupid I feel when I’m doing something new, but there’s no getting around it. So glad to hear that your progress was rapid. For others who are put off by the learning curve, the effort is certainly worth it.

  3. It is rather odd that I don’t remember how I learned to work with wordpress. I believe the hosting company installed it for me once I had the site pointed to them. I have since figured out three different methods for installing it.

    Nowadays, I am braver with using different responsive themes, but I have one theme that kicks me in the hiney. Someday I will learn how to manage it too.

    I am definitely not into css and .php. I can get a task done IF I have step-by-step instructions.

    On thing experience has taught me, is to make a backup of the site before any major change. That way, if the site gets totally out of whack, I can at least revert back.

    • Dawn, I too have unused WordPress themes in my “someday” file. You are so right about backups. Getting into the backup habit is one of the best things you can do for your blog. Thanks so much for taking time to share your thoughts.

  4. Wow, Phil. Your blog looks like mine does on most Mondays, Wednesdays, and every other Thursday! In other words, I am in perpetual tweaking mode. I completely understand the ongoing struggle that is WordPress.

    If you need to work out technical issues, there is always help to be found on Fiverr. But what can’t be found on Fiverr is rich content and a nice writing style such as yours.

    Keep fine tuning. You’re closer than you probably think you are.


    • Yes, Teri, I’m a tinkerer and this blog is showing it. I hope you’re not experiencing as much “pain” as I am. I’m going to have to knock it off soon and get down to business, so thanks for the tip about Fiverr. Thank you so much for expressing your appreciation for the content and style. It’s always great to hear from you.

  5. Thanks for posting this Phil. I take a long time to learn new things with Word Press. I know what I want to do but often the ‘how to’ eludes me. I’m sure to find the ’58 brilliant word press hacks useful’.

  6. I like your blog more and more Phil. It’s looking clean with some great content. I am going to bookmark the link for the 58 WordPress tips and tricks. Thanks for that bud! Take care!

  7. Hi Phil,
    I’m pretty much a WordPress ignoramus so thank you for the educational video!
    For my part, I set up a managed site through Go Daddy on WordPress so I didn’t have to think too hard…its basically ‘WordPress for Dummies’.
    They give you certain options to keep it simple, naturally this has limitations for the technically proficient but is perfect for me.

    Learning more about the behemoth that is WordPress everyday…

    • Hi, Aneeta. As someone pointed out to me recently when I mentioned being new at online marketing, “We were all new at something at one time or another.” You’re not letting any of that stop you, and that’s what counts. Best to you, Phil.

  8. Thanks Phil
    It is so timely to have found this great tutorial on WordPress when I did. Starting up WP is like taking the panel off the PC for the first time, and wondering what all the pretty little wires are for!

    My first experience of WP is similar to Dawn’s. My hoster simple said “Oh and by the way you also have a WordPress Blog all set up!”

    Rather like being told you have to check the tyre pressures regularly on your new car “I don’t care!”

    Now I am actually starting to see just what a useful and powerful tool WP is. And actually – like most things – it is great fun once you start to understand it.

    Apparently – there are problems to watch out for if you decide to upgrade WP, because some of the plugins and widgets are very much built around particular versions, and won’t work with new upgrades. Something to check up on. I upgraded my WP once and all sorts of weird things started to happen to headers and sidebars.

    Anyway – once again – thanks for the video, which I will watch again – so I’ll have to visit your blog again 🙂



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